The word ‘unique’ means being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. Guess that’s something to celebrate. If your uniqueness cannot be rivaled by anyone else’s then you know that you are the best there is. So many people may be so good in a particular job or line of duty or industry but only you can do that job the only way you can (get it) :).

Intentional | Travis Greene

Everything we go through in life is like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, on its own it may not make sense or have a meaning but when they’re all joined together then it becomes clear to us why we went through what we passed through. Yes, it is intentional.


All things are working for my good

‘Cause He’s intentional

Never failing

I know that all things are working for my good

He’s intentional

Never failing

all things are working for my good Continue reading

God’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Some weeks back, I was helping my daughter put together a jigsaw puzzle and oh man, it took longer than I expected cos I thought how hard can it be to put these ‘simple’ puzzles together. 

Well, it definitely was not simple. Just a look at the pieces individually got me thinking where to start from {this was me feigning confidence before a 3-year-old and bracing for the challenge, especially when they think you know all things 🙂 }. So, like any other way of putting things together, we started matching what could be with what should be. We got there in the end and those single puzzles that on their own made no sense and were of no value at all, joined up with others to make sense and made a picture we could all stand back and admire.

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Dealing With Competition!

Recently, I was thinking about my business and how best I should deal with the many competitions around me and the things that I need to understand and take along with me on this journey of making my business a success. The points below are what I came up with which I think will help me in months and years to come in having a successful business. So, I thought to share these with anyone who may be dealing with competition in an industry or workplace.

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Trust in You | Lauren Daigle

God’s ways are never our ways and His thoughts not our thoughts. When we think we can own the reins of our lives we quickly become weary and tired when things don’t go our way. Well, that may be because that is not God’s plan for our lives.

We must learn at all times to trust God’s process no matter how slow it may be. It’s better to be slow and long-lasting than quick but short-lived.

Love this song. Hope it ministers to you as it did me.

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Heart of Worship | Matt Redman


This song has for many years have a way of helping me to remember why I gave my life to Christ in the first place. Why you may ask? Because I love God and everything about Him. His love has changed me and has made me who I am today and even more, His love brings out the best of me and helps me look at life from a great perspective. Most of the things we offer Him are not what He requires. All He wants is for our hearts to worship Him. My heart. Your heart!

Heading back to what matters!

Very lately, I have been so busy with juggling my job with maternal and wifely duties topped with building a business that I believe that my relationship with God has not been at a place where I would want it to be. Prayer time has become rushed, taking the time to study God’s Word has become a rarity and please don’t even mention a nice quiet time with my loving Father. Our everyday lives are so boxed with too many things on our ‘to-do’ list, many errands to run, many meetings to attend, many goals to accomplish, kids to take care of, business that requires your attention to grow, career that needs you to fly, family that needs you to be an active and not a passive part of their lives and the list is inevitably endless. Now, most of these things are not in themselves bad or sinful, in fact, most if not all of the things we do or pursue to achieve are all good things.

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